How To Judge The Quality Of Tanzanite Gemstone

Finding the quality of a tanzanite gemstone requires need of several important factors. Here are give some general factors to help you evaluate their quality:

1. Color

Shade: The best tanzanite gemstones display a deep, vibrant blue with a hint of violet. The richer and more vibrant the color, the better.

Saturation: High quality tanzanite has rich color saturation. Stones that are too light or too dark will have less value.

Pleochroism: Tanzanite appears in different colors (blue, purple, and sometimes burgundy) when viewed from different angles. The most preferred stones show blue and purple pleochroism.

Read More- A-Z Guide of Cabochon Gemstones

2. Fact

Inclusions: High quality tanzanite should have very few inclusions visible to the naked eye. Its inclusion affects the overall appearance and value of the stone.

Transparency: A gemstone should be transparent and allow light to pass through unobstructed. Clear and transparent tanzanite is considered more valuable.

3. Cut:

Proportions: The cut must be smooth to increase the color and shine of the stone. A good cut brings out the best optical quality of the gemstone.

Symmetry: Faces should be symmetrical and similar. Asymmetry can negatively affect the gemstone's appearance and value.

Polish: Good tanzanite should have a smooth, polished surface free of scratches or marks.

4. carat weight

Size: Larger Tanzanites are rarer and therefore more valuable. However, color quality and clarity should not be affected by size.

5. History

Source: Tanzanite is mined only near Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. I can influence the price by knowing the source and making sure it comes from a reputable brand.
6th Certificate

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6. Certification

Authenticity: Always seek certification from a reputable gemological laboratory (e.g. GIA, AGS). The certificate guarantees the authenticity and quality of the gemstone.

7. Treatment

Heat treatment: Most tanzanite is heat treated to improve its color and this treatment is very important treatment for the all types of cabochons and gemstones. it's a very common practice in the industry. Make sure to describe the treatments, as untreated gemstones are rarer and important.

Other Treatments: Be aware of other treatments such as plating or painting that may adversely affect the cost and performance of the stone.

8. All appearances

Luster: High quality tanzanite should have a strong luster and reflect beautiful light.

Balance: A holistic assessment of a gemstone, taking everything into account. A balanced tanzanite will have harmony of color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.


When determining the quality of a tanzanite gemstone, focus on its color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, but also consider its history, processing, and certification. Top-quality tanzanite has deep, beautiful color, high transparency, excellent cut, and minimal inclusions. A certificate from a recognized gemological laboratory confirming the gemstone’s authenticity and quality. if you want knowledge and buy about of more gemstone online so visit our website at Cabochons4sale 

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